Here’s a trip down memory lane. Remember this?

George Will was all over this. It was proof that global warming was just a big hoax. The denier sites trumpeted it constantly. The folks who styled themselves “scientists” explained why this was no mere anomaly, but the way things were going to be forever thanks to . . . um, sunspot cycles and satellite errors and “tricks” from the climate shysters. What they didn’t tell you was that this was no big deal. It was just the latest cycle that was typical of global temperature increases over the past century:

And here’s the complete data series over the past hundred years:

Things are even worse here in North America:

On average, it’s now nearly 4°F hotter than it was when your grandmother was born. At the rate things are going, by 2060 it will be 7°F hotter.
A decade ago, the con artists were all trying to pretend that global warming had stopped forever. But now that we’re a decade close to planetary suicide, maybe it doesn’t seem so funny anymore. Then again, IBGYBG, amirite?