Ukraine is the big pink country on this map. This is what the articles of impeachment are about.
Just to make sure everyone knows this: The Trump impeachment is about Ukrainegate. It’s about the fact that Donald Trump tried to extort the president of Ukraine into announcing an investigation of a political opponent, which is an obvious and flagrant abuse of power.
It has nothing to do with Carter Page. Even if you believe that the FBI horribly mishandled its FISA request to surveil Page, that was an issue only in the FBI’s investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. Ditto for the “Nunes memo,” which was all about Page. Neither of these things matters right now.
Everyone knows this, right? The investigator general’s report about the FISA warrants for Page ought to spur some changes in how FISA warrants are handled, but it has no bearing on impeachment. Which is all about Ukraine.
Right? We all get this, don’t we?