Here’s the coronavirus death toll through May 19. France apparently had some kind of data reporting problem over the past couple of days and corrected it by reporting negative deaths today. So their recent upward blip was just a counting mistake. Sweden is looking a little odd: the official figures (gray line) have diverged considerably from the Johns Hopkins figures (blue/yellow dots). The official figures are based on actual date of death, so it’s no surprise they’re a little different from the JH figures, which are based on the day the death is reported. But now they’re a lot different. Maybe everything will catch up over the next few days.
And Switzerland made a big leap downward to 0.4 deaths per million while Germany was treading water at 0.6 deaths per million. So Switzerland is the first country to finally get its death rate below 0.5 per million. Ausgezeichnet!
The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is here.