This looks like a violation of several of the Geneva Conventions, but I assure you that it was entirely voluntary on Hilbert’s part. The funny thing is that every minute or so he’d kind of shimmy around trying to find the perfect position and end up rotating about 10 degrees. Half an hour after I took this picture his head was down in the lower left corner.
This is all part of Project Hilbert, an effort to get myself back into his good graces. For some reason, over the past year he’s become completely enamored with Marian and no longer gives me the time of day. So I’ve been luring him closer to me bit by bit, sometimes with a promise of being brushed, other times with a bit of catnip. And it’s working! He curled up on my feet a few days ago, the first time he’s done that in a long time. Soon we will be old friends again.