This is neither here nor there, it’s just a look at panoramic skyline photos of the past—now restored in wide-screen Technicolor! Last year I went to Chicago and took a skyline picture from Navy Pier. Sadly, my wide angle lens is not quite wide enough, so I ended up with the cramped photo I posted here. But yesterday, while I was looking for something else, I realized that I had taken two photos at the time but didn’t realize I could stitch them together in Photoshop. Now I’m older and wiser, and Photoshop produced this for me:

This is far better than the original. The skyline looks better with some more air in it and the clouds are better too.
The previous year I was in New York City and took a sequence of photos from the top of the Empire State Building. I tried to stitch them together myself and posted the result here. Yesterday I went back and had Photoshop do the job instead:

Much better! Not only is the stitching invisible, but I got a wider view as well. I don’t have any profound point to make here. I just happened to discover these old photos and realized I could improve them by letting Photoshop stitch them together. I liked the results and thought I’d share.