Here’s how Britain, the US, Europe (represented by Germany), and Israel are doing on getting people vaccinated against COVID-19:

I’m putting this up because I keep seeing people wonder why Europe is “doing so badly.” Or why “we aren’t doing as well as Britain.” Generally speaking, the answer is that countries that approved the vaccine earlier, and therefore started their vaccination program earlier, have vaccinated more people. That’s all there is to it.
The exception, obviously, is Israel, which has completed a whole lot of vaccinations even though they only started ten days ago. Apparently they’re doing something right, though I don’t know for sure what it is (news accounts have plenty of theories). In any case, there’s always somebody at the top, and right now it’s way too early to say how the US compares to the rest of the world. My guess is that, as with everything else COVID-related, we’ll end up a little below average, but not at the bottom of the pack.