Contents | July 1983

Their Will Be Done

Since its early days, the CIA has tried — successfully — to monitor the activities of the Vatican and tap its intelligence gold mine. But now, with Catholics in Latin America embracing communism and Polish Communists embracing Catholicism, the agency is more interested in ever in putting pressure on the pope.


When Jackals Rule

“I understood, intellectually, that my godfather was dead and my godmother was imprisoned, but I did not feel grief…I thought of the brutal changes the Nationalists had brought to Taiwan…and I was more determined than ever to return to the Mainland.” A memoir-story.

Moods for Moderns
Up until now we’ve let the writers grapple with life and love in the ’80s. For the fourth in our series “The Way We Are,” some of our favorite artists depict the joy, rage and confusion of the times.


Sisterhood Is Profitable
It started at the grassroots level — with word-of-mouth publicity, concerts that were like gatherings of close friends and a distribution system that relied on loyal fans. But with artists like Meg Christian, Cris Williamson, Holly Near and Margie Adam, the women’s music business has finally made the charts.


Brokaw: Seen But Not Heard

Weeks after Tom Brokaw spoke his mind to Mother Jones, the newscaster was still feeling the aftershocks.

Diagnosis: Terminal Greed

Depreciation. Indirect Cost Rates. Interlocking Directorates. The ideas seem to have more to do with economy than with biology. But they’re helping to send the cost of medical research through the roof. Plain old-fashioned greed does the rest.

The Hunter and the Victim

There’s a lot more to Ernest Hemingway than the swaggering great white hunter.

A Different Kind of War Hero

Charlie Clements once had all the makings of a career military man. These days, Dr. Charlie Clements tries to undo some of the “aid” the U.S. has inflicted upon El Salvador.



A magazine for office workers who’d like to put their supervisor through the shredder; Israel’s minister of defense plays “Family Feud”; The New York Times loves a man in uniform; Citibank sends its second-class depositors to the back of the bank; and we introduce our first Reaganmate of the Month.