No Bar Code

Eat at Joel’s! An evangelical Virginia farmer says a revolution against industrial agriculture is just down the road.


The Midas Touch

Is an Alaska fishery worth its weight
in gold? Runoff from the Pebble Mine could threaten the world’s most abundant source of salmon.

The Bible Bench

For state judges nationwide, Election Day is starting to feel more like Judgment Day.

Born Into Cellblocks

In the penitentiary of Nuevo Laredo, children do time with their mothers—and the cartels.

Upward Mortality

A curse is felling a generation of successful black men: Why can’t the black middle class shed the burden of bad health?


Editor’s Note

The Predator State; A terror detainee gets a lifeline; Looking for work? Just ask your mommy or daddy on the Hill; the Feds trade jobs for bombs; reincarnation of a Buddha smasher; Trent Lott blows a new tune; sex toys suit up for court; Congress joins the iPod generation; the man behind the Iraqi casualty numbers.

The Perks of Privilege
A view from the top.

Ecce Homo
An artists’ messiah appears in the Texas desert.

Encounters With the Torturer
A Chilean ex-prisoner confronts his torturers.

Confessions of a 401(k) Schizophrenic
Guilt-free investing for the socially conscious soul.

Eleanor Cooney on zombie movies that’ll pick your brains; Hotel Rwanda’s real-life hero explains to Julia M. Klein why he’s An Ordinary Man; a birder’s guide to Iraq; plus more book and
music reviews

Resources for getting involved

Power Yoga
Cartoon by Barry Blitt