Climate Countdown
Our best chance to fix global warming begins on December 7. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Too Hot to Handle
The Copenhagen climate talks must succeed. Will they?
Agents of Climate Change
A quick guide to carbon lobbyists…all 2,810 of them.
To the Lifeboats
Meet the people of Tuvalu, the world’s first climate refugees.
The Last Breakup
Freak floods flattened Eagle, Alaska. One man’s race against the water.
The New Dust Bowl
The new Dust Bowl: Drought and climate change are drying up California’s fertile Central Valley.
Betting the Farm
Agribusiness got everything it wanted in the climate bill. Then it came back for more.
GM’s Money Trees
GM’s plan to offset its SUVs misses the Brazilian rainforest for the trees.
Earth in the Balance Sheet
Can you really save an ecosystem by slapping a price tag on it?
Not Under my Backyard
Storing CO2 underground sounds like a great idea—unless it’s benath your yard.
Return of the Fungi
The holy grail of mushrooms could cure smallpox, TB, and maybe swine flu. Can Paul Stamets unlock its secrets before it’s gone?
As a public service, Mother Jones, which is a nonprofit magazine, will release the full contents of this issue online over the next several weeks. If you’d like your Mother Jones sooner—and you want to support independent investigative journalism—please subscribe now.
Serving time at a pretend prison riot; Attica, Attica!; Denver’s airport of doom; Ex-Lax fish—it’s what’s for dinner; rebranding slimy seafood; the best medicine money can bribe; emergency care for the uninsured; your DNA decoded (for dollars); everybody into the gene pool!
- Aboxalypse Now
- Rules of containment: killer clamshells, shrunken snacks, and other packages from our overwrapped world.
- Bank Buster
- Can an earnest populist Harvard prof police the bailout?
Media Jones
It’s hard out there for an imp: Dave Gilson on the death of the prank; plus more book (Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal, There Is No Freedom Without Bread!, On Thin Ice: The Changing World of the Polar Bear), film (The Queen and I), and music (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead, Nasty Gal; Is It Love or Desire, Little Moon, Lights Out Zoltar!) reviews
MoJo Interview
- Don’t Call Me Warrior
- Author Sherman Alexie on Obama’s tribe, Indian wannabes, and why Kindles aren’t sexy
- DJ Shadow’s Killer App
- DJ Shadow dumps iTunes
- Lady, Lead On
- Ayelet Waldman on actresses of a certain age
Practical Values
- Is Your Eco-Label Lying?
- Peeling back your eco-labels: What does “natural” really mean?
Cover photos by: Somos Photography/Veer; Ausloeser/Corbis; John-Francis Bourke/Corbis; Elke Van De Velde/Corbis