Spend enough time browsing government websites and you’re sure to come across a GIF*. Not the bite-sized pop-culture kind, but low-res relics of the days when a GIF was a way to spice up a Web 1.0 site without slowing down Netscape users’ dial-up connections. Here are a dozen taxpayer-funded GIFs you may not be able to stop looking at:
Stinky toxic sludge
Ronald Reagan meets a turkey
This winking, whisker-wagging feline
This adorably suicidal moon meteor
This rabid raccoon
The touch-typing Data Ferrett!

The Wright Flier
These menacingly mesmerizing neuroreceptors
This low-res lava lamp
Small man with small change
This guy riding a space probe
Citizens demanding more GIFs!
*It’s pronounced with a hard G, like government.