Through all the national tumult, disappointment and struggle—obviously consuming the Mother Jones newsroom, every waking hour, and many sleeping hours too—at least there is one national figure who remains pure, my North Star: Stephen Colbert.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump’s new communications chief Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci gave Colbert—how should one put it?—a shit-ton of material: from Scaramucci’s extraordinary tirade on CNN’s New Day, to the “colorful language” he employed in his explosive interview with Ryan Lizza at The New Yorker—after one week on the job, this was all part of Scaramucci’s increasingly public and utterly exhausting campaign against alleged leakers in the West Wing.
Please, if you need a bit of a break, find yourself 14 minutes, sit-back, and surrender to one the man you can trust. Just let it all wash over you.