Isabela Dias
Pro-choice supporters across the country sprang into action on Tuesday, a powerful show of solidarity for abortion rights in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
“Where’s Joe?” demonstrators outside the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, demanded.
“For context, this sign is from 2018,” said a 26-year-old law student carrying the sign “Mr. President: How long must women wait for liberty.” Another from the same protest read “The people have lost all confidence in SCOTUS.”
In Baltimore, one protester held the sign “Remove the rapist in the court.”
Mother Jones reporters Isabela Dias, Mark Helenowski, Emily Hofstaedter, and Madison Pauly were on the ground in DC, New York, Baltimore, and Oakland, respectively, where palpable anger over the Supreme Court’s likely intent to overturn the landmark ruling that protected the right to an abortion flowed among the crowds. Scenes from the protests below:
RIGHT NOW: Pro-choice protesters gather in NYC the day after leaked internal Supreme Court deliberation suggests the landmark Roe v Wade ruling may be reversed.
On the ground for @MotherJones—follow along below 🧵 1/ pic.twitter.com/lW6kYPtOT8
— 🎥 Mark Helenowski (@markhelenowski) May 3, 2022
Spotted: pussy hat, “nasty woman” t-shirt, handmaid’s tale costume. The 2017 vibes are strong.
— Madison Pauly (@msjpauly) May 4, 2022
“For the last decade the GOP has made an organized effort to take away rights. First, voting rights, now this, affirmative action is next. We’re here to make sure we don’t go backwards 100 years,” says Maria Bahn Tigaoan, 68 (left). pic.twitter.com/Yrh4BuGt86
— Isabela Dias (@isabelaalhadeff) May 4, 2022
"I think that for queer people, we've always known that our rights are not guaranteed. It's like that for people of color, and women… there's this underlying knowledge [our rights] were fought for and that there's no guarantee they will stay."- Cusa, 29 Baltimore pic.twitter.com/8L2ZFBhCcb
— Emily Hofstaedter (@EHofstaedter) May 3, 2022
A few of todays signs at Foley Square in Manhattan pic.twitter.com/WnVUAqRRdY
— 🎥 Mark Helenowski (@markhelenowski) May 3, 2022
“I’m going to be a future doctor and waking up this morning and seeing the news made me angry,” says Alex, 28, a second-year medical student. “This white coat is meant to be in the service of others. I’m gonna keep spreading the message that abortion is health care.” pic.twitter.com/GqAMTRN1cX
— Isabela Dias (@isabelaalhadeff) May 3, 2022
“Hey hey, ho ho / the patriarchy’s got to go.” Lots of honks, clapping, cheers in a crowd of around 150. pic.twitter.com/rpA8cXRCeI
— Madison Pauly (@msjpauly) May 4, 2022

Isabela Dias