- Seen on Capitol Hill:
- MoJo’s March/April poster-pullout (at left), which compares federal safety standards for the domestic manufacture of firearms (none) with those for teddy bears (many). In March, Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., distributed the “The Right to bears & arms” to every member of the House. As we went to press, Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, was about to do the same for his colleagues in the Senate. The pullout also decks the halls of the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution.
- Other sightings:
- Washington state legislators Lorraine Wojahn and Vivian Caver passed out the poster to their fellow legislators before a March debate on gun control. The guns vs. teddy comparison has turned up in the Children’s Defense Fund’s annual report on the state of America’s children; the Washington, D.C.-based Violence Policy Center’s groundbreaking study, “Cease Fire”; and countless news reports and editorials.
- And coming to a bus near you:
- On May 21, a benefit concert at the Elbo Room in Chicago, featuring the Charming Beggars and other Happy Tails recording artists, will raise money to exhibit MoJo’s anti-handgun-violence stamps on public transportation in selected cities.