- 1. University of Oregon:
- Lots of environmental activity. Before the 1992 elections, the Eugene campus registered 7,000 of its 15,000 students to vote, enough to replace a weak-on-higher-education incumbent and possibly to influence the defeat of the antigay Measure 9.
- 2. Brown:
- Good mix of environmental, women’s, and diversity groups. The Center for Public Service sponsors student-staffed projects on topics such as AIDS awareness, literacy, and health.
- 3. University of Wisconsin:
- Newly resurrected student government has battled for student rights. Environmental organizations produced a mock ancient forest that was gradually cut down and held an All Species Day on Halloween during which children dressed as endangered species.
- 4. University of North Carolina:
- Birthplace of two national student organizations, the Student Environmental Action Coalition and the Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education.
- 5. Rutgers:
- Recently held forums on gay and lesbian rights and the death penalty. Very active women’s groups and an affordable education committee.
- 6. University of Michigan:
- Birthplace of the Peace Corps maintains a mix of community service and traditional activism. As many as 40 percent of students are involved. Much activity during elections.
- 7. University of Colorado:
- Activists pushed for curriculum reform, tenure for minority faculty, and housing rights for gay and lesbian couples.
- 8. CUNY and SUNY:
- Massive student strikes protested tuition hikes that price some students out of an education. Diversity issues and curriculum reform have occasioned building takeovers, too.
- 9. Howard:
- Media focus on the Nation of Islam’s presence has overshadowed activism such as community outreach and voter registration. Most frats and sororities require community service.
- 10. Marquette:
- Nil on in-your-face activism and protest, but strong community service. Hosted the 1991 National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness Conference and sponsors an alternative spring break.