“Tobacco Strikes Back” is a series of special reports by Mother Jones exposing the strategies tobacco companies use–in the boardroom, in Congress, in your hometown–to keep their industry going. In the coming days, we’ll be placing more articles online, along with interactive timelines, maps, and resources to guide you through the maze of information.
Friday evening, April 19:
- “The Campaign For the Presidency”
What do Bob Dole’s telemarketer, his chief California strategist, and one of his national co-chairs have in common? Big tobacco.
- “The Tobacco Wars”
A timeline of the history of tobacco and its relationship to American politics, based on Richard Kluger’s new book Ashes to Ashes.
- “The Tobacco Wars”
Tuesday, April 23:
- “Tobacco Enemy Number One”
Gingrich calls FDA Commissioner David Kessler “a bully and a thug.” Dole has pledged to fire him. When you look behind the attacks on the FDA, says one top FDA official, “you will see the tobacco industry.”
The FDA can prove tobacco companies put cigarettes where kids are likely to be.
Big Tobacco’s pre-fab letter campaign against OSHA got results–some unexpected.
“Our Good Friend, the Governor”
GOP governors secretly help Big Tobacco–featuring Philip Morris’ internal correspondence about California governor Pete Wilson.
Thursday, April 25:
- “The War in the States”
While criticizing “big government,” the tobacco industry is pushing laws to prohibit local control of its products.
“The Nicotine Network”
How the tobacco industry is forging hidden alliances with congressional leaders.
Tuesday, April 30:
- “Fakin’ It”
Big Tobacco’s efforts to build phony grassroots groups.
“Sin of Omission”
Why the Christian Coalition can’t “just say no” to teen smoking.
And: how cigarettes affect your body, with information on smoking and the unborn.
If you have any questions regarding these articles, write smokes@motherjones.com. Letters to the editor may be sent to backtalk@motherjones.com.