1. The first presidential debate is Sunday, October 6. But if another round of soundbites and plastic smiles leaves you reaching for the remote, the MoJo Wire has picked out some of the evening’s highlights. What will you be watching? [Descriptions courtesy of TV Guide Online].
The Presidential Debate (NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, C-SPAN)
Major League Playoffs (FOX)
Ancient Mysteries: Ancient inventions (A&E)
Bullwinkle (The Cartoon Network)
Stir Crazy: Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor as jailbirds (Comedy Central)
Vega$: Dan (Robert Urich) is unaware that his new love is a call girl. (f/X)
Columbo: A radio talk-show host (William Shatner) tries to outwit the lieutenant (Peter Falk) (The Family Channel)
Too Hot Tamales (TV Food Network)
Ren & Stimpy (MTV)
Championship Bull Riding: Bullnanza action in Reno. (The Nashville Network)
Showgirls: A young woman dreams of dancing in Las Vegas (The Movie Channel)
2. Who is your favorite choice to moderate the debates?
Katie Couric
Jim Lehrer
Kelsey Grammer
Cokie Roberts
Your own choice:
3. If all these candidates had an equal chance of winning, who would you vote for?
Bob Dole (Republican)
Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Ross Perot (Reform Party)
Ralph Nader (Green Party)
Harry Browne (Libertarian)
Howard Phillips (U.S. Taxpayers Party)
Lyndon LaRouche (Democrat)
John Hagelin (Natural Law Party)
4. If you were restricted to just these two candidates, which one would you vote for?
Bob Dole
Bill Clinton
5. What’s your favorite reason why Perot should or shouldn’t be included in the debate? Best answer wins a MoJo Wire hat.