- 32% Jesse Helms
- 27% Newt Gingrich
- 9% Richard Gephardt
- 4% Tom DeLay
- 4% David Bonior
- 7% None
- 17% (Write-in)
- 27% Newt Gingrich
…And our number one write-in was…Bill Clinton, with 30 votes.
2. Who said these famous debate soundbites?
- a. Bob Dole called WWII “a Democrat war” during the 1976 vice-presidential debate with Walter Modale.
- b. John F. Kennedy said “I think it’s time America started moving again” during the 1960 presidential debate with Richard Nixon.
- c. James Stockdale said “Who am I? What am I doing here?” during the 1992 vice-presidential debate with Al Gore and Dan Quayle.
- d. Ronald Reagan asked “Are you and your family better off than you were four years ago?” during the 1980 presidential debate with Jimmy Carter.
- e. Damon Stoudamire, of the Toronto Raptors basketball team said “I think I’m a born leader. I’ve been preparing for things like this all my life” in respose to being named team captain on October 7, 1996.
- f. Gerald Ford said “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe” during the 1976 presidential debate with Jimmy Carter.
- b. John F. Kennedy said “I think it’s time America started moving again” during the 1960 presidential debate with Richard Nixon.
3. Who would you want to be president in 2000?
- 24% Al Gore
- 19% Ralph Nader
- 8% Colin Powell
- 8% Bill Bradley
- 7% Dianne Feinstein
- 5% Jack Kemp
- 5% Christine Todd Whitman
- 3% Governor George W. Bush
- 21% None of the above
- 19% Ralph Nader
4. How many times will the following words be said at next Wednesday’s debate? [Choose a number between 0 and 10, or “more than 10” times.]
The person with the closest answer wins a Hellraiser t-shirt. (To be based on a word count from AllPolitics transcript of debate.)
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And the winner is Carrie Stewart! Congratulations, Carrie!
5. If the elections were held today, and all these candidates had an equal chance of winning, who would you vote for?
- 32% Bill Clinton (Democrat)
- 29% Harry Browne (Libertarian)
- 26% Ralph Nader (Green Party)
- 7% Bob Dole (Republican)
- 3% Ross Perot (Reform Party)
- 1.2% John Hagelin (Natural Law Party)
- .5% Howard Phillips (U.S. Taxpayers Party)
- .3% Lyndon Larouche (Democrat)
- 1% None
- 29% Harry Browne (Libertarian)
6. If the elections were held today, and you were restricted to just these two candidates, which one would you vote for?
- 63% Bill Clinton
- 17% Bob Dole
- 20% None
- 17% Bob Dole