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- See the legend for an explanation of the icons used in each listing.
“Persons whom the President or First Lady met as part of their lives in Arkansas or in conjunction with persons with Arkansas relationships and their accompanying guests (e.g., nannies, etc.)”
Diane Alderson |
Edwin Alderson |
Ben Allen |
Ben Allen, Jr. |
Bill Allen |
Anita Arnold |
Carol Arnold |
Kay Kelly Arnold |
Judge Richard Arnold |
Truman Arnold |
Liza Ashley |
Hazel Askew |
Mauria Aspell |
Dr. Robert Aspell |
Jerome Atchley |
Stephanie Atchley |
Richard Atkinson |
Barbara Baldwin |
Karen Ballard |
Don Barnes |
Marynm Bassett |
William Bassett |
Woodson Bassett |
Ginger Beebe |
Kyle Beebe |
Mike Beebe |
Clarence Bell |
Hope Bell |
Joe Bell |
Stewart Bell |
Dr. Joe Bennett |
Mary Jean Bennett |
Allen Bird |
Sherry Bird |
Arden Blair |
Diane Blair |
Heather Blair |
James Blair, Jr. |
Jim Blair |
Sister Margaret Blandford |
Jerry Bookout |
Loretta Bookout |
Martin Borchert |
Rosemary Borchert |
Constance Bowen |
William Bowen |
Charlotte Bradbury |
Curtis Bradbury |
Anne Bradford |
Jay Bradford |
Sarah Jane Bradshaw |
Stanley Bradshaw |
Richard Bronfman |
Sheila Bronfman |
Chris Burrow |
Mary Chris Burrow |
Dr. Bettie Caldwell |
Bess Campbell |
Craig Campbell |
Craig Campbell, Jr. |
Elizabeth Campbell |
Guy Campbell |
Mary Ann Campbell |
Susan Campbell |
Diane Carroll |
Phillip Carroll |
Weldon Chesser |
Janice Choate |
Barbara Clark |
Ken Clark |
L.W. Clark |
Margaret Clark |
William Clark |
Stuart Cobb |
Bonnie Cone |
James Cone |
Bill Conrad |
Rosemary Conrad |
Glenda Cooper |
Dawn Correnti |
John Correnti |
Beth Coulsen |
Mike Coulsen |
Rose Crane |
Frances Cranford |
Wayne Cranford |
Harry Criner |
Patty Criner |
Dr. Lou Santa Cruz |
Susan Santa Cruz |
Cathy Cunningham |
Ernest Cunninham |
Dennis Daniel |
Roxanne Daniel |
Fred Davidson |
June Davidson |
Wilma DeFoggi |
Dr. Dillard Denson |
Martha Jane Dickey |
Carrie Dickinson |
Tyndall Dickinson |
Christopher Dixon |
Lynda Dixon |
Martha Dixon |
Bob Dolman |
Harryette Dorchester |
Madalyn Dortch |
David Eldridge |
Margaret Eldridge |
John Elrod |
Connie Fails |
Lucille Fannin |
Jimmie Lou Fisher |
Dr. Robert Fiser |
Susan Fleming |
Victor Fleming |
David Folsom |
Judy Folsom |
Bo Forney |
Kay Fowler |
Effie Frazier |
George Frazier |
Michelle Fritts |
Glo Futrell |
Woody Futrell |
Elaine Geschwind |
Mac Geschwind |
Linda Gillespie |
Dean Morton Gitelman |
Alla Gladden |
Robert Gladden |
Ashley Glover |
Margaret Gail Goodrum |
Randy Goodrum |
Linda Grimes |
Libby Grobmyer |
Mark Grobmyer, Jr. |
Dr. Brian Harbour |
Jan Harbour |
L. Michael Hardgrave |
Luther Hardin |
Mary Hardin |
Joan Hargraves |
Robert Hargraves |
Chris Harrell |
Ann Henry |
Dr. Morris Henry |
Debbie Herget |
Dick Herget |
Rebecca Hernreich |
Robert Hernreich |
Ann Hill |
Richard Hill |
Kaki Hockersmith |
David Hodges |
Marian Hodges |
Bobby Houe |
Frankie Hogue |
Bernice Holt |
Beth Holtz |
Louis Holtz |
Clifton Hoofman |
Lois Hopper |
Bobby Hopper |
Ashley Horne |
Becky Horne |
Holly Horne |
Truett Horne |
Wendy Horne |
Pastor Rex Horne |
Carolyn Hubbell |
Kelly Hubbell |
Susie Hubbell |
Webb Hubbell |
Mary Sue Jacobs |
Madalyn Johnson |
Ken Johnson |
David Johnson |
Murray Johnson |
Hilary Jones |
Myra Jones |
Eleanor Karam |
James Karam |
Willie Kueker |
Dr. Frank Kumpuris |
Kula Kumpuris |
Dr. Kemal Kutait |
Virginia Kutait |
Deborah Lee |
Joe Lee |
David Leopoulos, Jr. |
Linda Leopoulos |
Nicholas Leopoulos |
Thaddeus Leopoulos |
Thea Leopoulos |
Rabbi Eugene Levy, Jr. |
Patricia Lile |
Babbie Lovett |
Rev. James Lumpkin |
Jean Lumpkin |
Charles Lyford |
Kate Lyford |
Nell Lyford |
Robert Lyford |
Diane Lyons |
Betty Magie |
Cone Magie |
Bettie Ann Mahoney |
Jodie Mahony |
Michael Mahony |
Doug Martin |
Eddie Martin |
Kimberly Martin |
Mahlon Martin |
Melinda Martin |
Myrna Martin |
David Matthews |
Jerry Maulden |
Lauren Maulden |
Sarah Maulden |
Sue Maulden |
Jennifer Mays |
Richard Mays |
James McClelland |
Patricia McClelland |
Charlie McDowell |
Lily McDowell |
Shirley McFarlin |
Hayden McIlroy |
Mary Joe McIlroy |
Michelle McIlroy |
Marcia McIvor |
Robert McNeice |
Mary Mehlburger |
Max Mehlburger |
Jean Miles |
Jim Miles |
JoAnn Miles |
Rev. John Miles |
Kelli Miles |
Curtistine Miller |
Elizabeth Mitchell |
Maurice Mitchell |
Ark Monroe |
Nancy Monroe |
Beadle Moore |
Blanche Moore |
Dorothy Moore |
Rudy Moore |
B.J. Moses |
Charles Brett Myers |
Doug Myers |
Amanda Newman |
Amy Newman |
Francine Newman |
Joe Newman |
Frances Nixon |
Dr. Victor Nixon |
Willie Oates |
Cheryl Park |
Delores Peterson |
Merle Peterson |
Frances Phelan |
Dr. James Phelan |
James Levi Phillips |
Geneva Pledger |
James Pledger |
Joseph Purvis |
Susan Purvis |
Ellen Reaves |
Graham Reaves |
Hilary Reaves |
Keith Reaves |
Mary Jo Nelson Rogers |
J.T. Rose |
Nannice Rose |
Nola Royster |
Barbara Anne Rudolph |
Billie Rutherford |
Skip Rutherford |
Deborah Sale |
Mary Ann Salmon |
Carolyn Schauflee |
Louie Schauflee |
Marty Schauflee |
Michael Schauflee |
Charlotte Schexnayder |
Melvin Schexnayder |
Mary Schroeder |
Robert Schroeder |
Dr. Joanna Seibert |
Lottie Shackleford |
Erin Shockley |
Leslie Singer |
Noah Singer |
Donald Sjostrand |
Rev. Gerald Keith Sjostrand |
Janice Sjostrand |
JoAnne Sjostrand |
Helen Sloan |
John Sloan |
Gary Smith |
Jane Smith |
Jennifer Smith |
Mark Smith |
Maurice Smith |
Nathan Smith |
Rebecca Smith |
Reece Smith |
Sarah Smith |
Steve Smith |
Nan Snow |
Dr. Nancy Snyderman |
Annette Stacy |
Bob Stacy |
Jake Stacy |
Sam Stacy |
Carolyn Staley |
Nell Steenburgen |
Mary Steenburgen |
Harriet Stephens |
Warren Stephens |
Amy Stewart |
Theodore Striggles |
Dorothy Stuck |
Dr. James Suen |
Karen Suen |
Eddie Sutton |
Patsy Sutton |
Gladden Tappin |
Henry Thomas |
Marti Thomas |
Danny Thomason |
Harry Thomason |
Linda Bloodworth Thomason |
Rick Thone |
Robert Turner |
Patricia Upton |
Richard Upton |
Joan Vehik |
Alice Walton |
Christy Walton |
Helen Walton |
John Walton |
Martha Whetstone |
Carl Whillock |
Margaret Whillock |
Susie Whitacre |
Caroline Whitson |
Heather Whitson |
Turner Whitson |
Donna Axum Whitworth |
J. Bryan Whitworth |
Bernice Williams |
Lee Williams |
Olen Williams |
Victoria Williams |
Juanita Woodard |
Larry Woodard |
Judge Henry Woods |
Kathleen Woods |
Bill Worthen |
Kathy Worthen |
Betsey Wright |
Buddy Young |
Chase Young |
Clayton Young |
Rebecca Young |
Patricia Youngdahl |
Sara Youngdahl |
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Sleep-over guests who were also invited to White House kaffeeklatsches. Click the icon to see how many White House coffees the donor was invited to. |
Sleep-over guests who are also on the MoJo 400. Click the icon to see how much they donated. |