The White House Sleep-over Guest List

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  • See the legend for an explanation of the icons used in each listing.

Arkansas Friends (370 guests)

“Persons whom the President or First Lady met as part of their lives in Arkansas or in conjunction with persons with Arkansas relationships and their accompanying guests (e.g., nannies, etc.)”

Diane Alderson
Edwin Alderson
Ben Allen
Ben Allen, Jr.
Bill Allen
Anita Arnold
Carol Arnold
Kay Kelly Arnold
Judge Richard Arnold
Truman Arnold
Liza Ashley
Hazel Askew
Mauria Aspell
Dr. Robert Aspell
Jerome Atchley
Stephanie Atchley
Richard Atkinson
Barbara Baldwin
Karen Ballard
Don Barnes
Marynm Bassett
William Bassett
Woodson Bassett
Ginger Beebe
Kyle Beebe
Mike Beebe
Clarence Bell
Hope Bell
Joe Bell
Stewart Bell
Dr. Joe Bennett
Mary Jean Bennett
Allen Bird
Sherry Bird
Arden Blair
Diane Blair
Heather Blair
James Blair, Jr.
Jim Blair
Sister Margaret Blandford
Jerry Bookout
Loretta Bookout
Martin Borchert
Rosemary Borchert
Constance Bowen
William Bowen
Charlotte Bradbury
Curtis Bradbury
Anne Bradford
Jay Bradford
Sarah Jane Bradshaw
Stanley Bradshaw
Richard Bronfman
Sheila Bronfman
Chris Burrow
Mary Chris Burrow
Dr. Bettie Caldwell
Bess Campbell
Craig Campbell
Craig Campbell, Jr.
Elizabeth Campbell
Guy Campbell
Mary Ann Campbell
Susan Campbell
Diane Carroll
Phillip Carroll
Weldon Chesser
Janice Choate
Barbara Clark
Ken Clark
L.W. Clark
Margaret Clark
William Clark
Stuart Cobb
Bonnie Cone
James Cone
Bill Conrad
Rosemary Conrad
Glenda Cooper
Dawn Correnti
John Correnti
Beth Coulsen
Mike Coulsen
Rose Crane
Frances Cranford
Wayne Cranford
Harry Criner
Patty Criner
Dr. Lou Santa Cruz
Susan Santa Cruz
Cathy Cunningham
Ernest Cunninham
Dennis Daniel
Roxanne Daniel
Fred Davidson
June Davidson
Wilma DeFoggi
Dr. Dillard Denson
Martha Jane Dickey
Carrie Dickinson
Tyndall Dickinson
Christopher Dixon
Lynda Dixon
Martha Dixon
Bob Dolman
Harryette Dorchester
Madalyn Dortch
David Eldridge
Margaret Eldridge
John Elrod
Connie Fails
Lucille Fannin
Jimmie Lou Fisher
Dr. Robert Fiser
Susan Fleming
Victor Fleming
David Folsom
Judy Folsom
Bo Forney
Kay Fowler
Effie Frazier
George Frazier
Michelle Fritts
Glo Futrell
Woody Futrell
Elaine Geschwind
Mac Geschwind
Linda Gillespie
Dean Morton Gitelman
Alla Gladden
Robert Gladden
Ashley Glover
Margaret Gail Goodrum
Randy Goodrum
Linda Grimes
Libby Grobmyer
Mark Grobmyer, Jr.
Dr. Brian Harbour
Jan Harbour
L. Michael Hardgrave
Luther Hardin
Mary Hardin
Joan Hargraves
Robert Hargraves
Chris Harrell
Ann Henry
Dr. Morris Henry
Debbie Herget
Dick Herget
Rebecca Hernreich
Robert Hernreich
Ann Hill
Richard Hill
Kaki Hockersmith
David Hodges
Marian Hodges
Bobby Houe
Frankie Hogue
Bernice Holt
Beth Holtz
Louis Holtz
Clifton Hoofman
Lois Hopper
Bobby Hopper
Ashley Horne
Becky Horne
Holly Horne
Truett Horne
Wendy Horne
Pastor Rex Horne
Carolyn Hubbell
Kelly Hubbell
Susie Hubbell
Webb Hubbell
Mary Sue Jacobs
Madalyn Johnson
Ken Johnson
David Johnson
Murray Johnson
Hilary Jones
Myra Jones
Eleanor Karam
James Karam
Willie Kueker
Dr. Frank Kumpuris
Kula Kumpuris
Dr. Kemal Kutait
Virginia Kutait
Deborah Lee
Joe Lee
David Leopoulos, Jr.
Linda Leopoulos
Nicholas Leopoulos
Thaddeus Leopoulos
Thea Leopoulos
Rabbi Eugene Levy, Jr.
Patricia Lile
Babbie Lovett
Rev. James Lumpkin
Jean Lumpkin
Charles Lyford
Kate Lyford
Nell Lyford
Robert Lyford
Diane Lyons
Betty Magie
Cone Magie
Bettie Ann Mahoney
Jodie Mahony
Michael Mahony
Doug Martin
Eddie Martin
Kimberly Martin
Mahlon Martin
Melinda Martin
Myrna Martin
David Matthews
Jerry Maulden
Lauren Maulden
Sarah Maulden
Sue Maulden
Jennifer Mays
Richard Mays
James McClelland
Patricia McClelland
Charlie McDowell
Lily McDowell
Shirley McFarlin
Hayden McIlroy
Mary Joe McIlroy
Michelle McIlroy
Marcia McIvor
Robert McNeice
Mary Mehlburger
Max Mehlburger
Jean Miles
Jim Miles
JoAnn Miles
Rev. John Miles
Kelli Miles
Curtistine Miller
Elizabeth Mitchell
Maurice Mitchell
Ark Monroe
Nancy Monroe
Beadle Moore
Blanche Moore
Dorothy Moore
Rudy Moore
B.J. Moses
Charles Brett Myers
Doug Myers
Amanda Newman
Amy Newman
Francine Newman
Joe Newman
Frances Nixon
Dr. Victor Nixon
Willie Oates
Cheryl Park
Delores Peterson
Merle Peterson
Frances Phelan
Dr. James Phelan
James Levi Phillips
Geneva Pledger
James Pledger
Joseph Purvis
Susan Purvis
Ellen Reaves
Graham Reaves
Hilary Reaves
Keith Reaves
Mary Jo Nelson Rogers
J.T. Rose
Nannice Rose
Nola Royster
Barbara Anne Rudolph
Billie Rutherford
Skip Rutherford
Deborah Sale
Mary Ann Salmon
Carolyn Schauflee
Louie Schauflee
Marty Schauflee
Michael Schauflee
Charlotte Schexnayder
Melvin Schexnayder
Mary Schroeder
Robert Schroeder
Dr. Joanna Seibert
Lottie Shackleford
Erin Shockley
Leslie Singer
Noah Singer
Donald Sjostrand
Rev. Gerald Keith Sjostrand
Janice Sjostrand
JoAnne Sjostrand
Helen Sloan
John Sloan
Gary Smith
Jane Smith
Jennifer Smith
Mark Smith
Maurice Smith
Nathan Smith
Rebecca Smith
Reece Smith
Sarah Smith
Steve Smith
Nan Snow
Dr. Nancy Snyderman
Annette Stacy
Bob Stacy
Jake Stacy
Sam Stacy
Carolyn Staley
Nell Steenburgen
Mary Steenburgen
Harriet Stephens
Warren Stephens
Amy Stewart
Theodore Striggles
Dorothy Stuck
Dr. James Suen
Karen Suen
Eddie Sutton
Patsy Sutton
Gladden Tappin
Henry Thomas
Marti Thomas
Danny Thomason
Harry Thomason
Linda Bloodworth Thomason
Rick Thone
Robert Turner
Patricia Upton
Richard Upton
Joan Vehik
Alice Walton
Christy Walton
Helen Walton
John Walton
Martha Whetstone
Carl Whillock
Margaret Whillock
Susie Whitacre
Caroline Whitson
Heather Whitson
Turner Whitson
Donna Axum Whitworth
J. Bryan Whitworth
Bernice Williams
Lee Williams
Olen Williams
Victoria Williams
Juanita Woodard
Larry Woodard
Judge Henry Woods
Kathleen Woods
Bill Worthen
Kathy Worthen
Betsey Wright
Buddy Young
Chase Young
Clayton Young
Rebecca Young
Patricia Youngdahl
Sara Youngdahl

Longtime Friends (155 guests)

“Persons who are not from Arkansas whom the President or First Lady met in grade school, high school, college, law school and prior to the 1992 campaign and their accompanying guests”

Linda Aaker
Robert Armstrong
Amy Ashby
Kit Ashby
Norma Asnes
Joseph Baczko
Kathleen Baczko
Dr. Nancy Bekavac
Kathie Berlin
Shannon Bettridge
Tommy Bettridge
William Bettridge
Robert Billingsley
Patsy Henderson Bowles
Jeff Braden
Paul Braden
Taylor Branch
Dr. Johanna Branson
Eli Broad
Vanessa Brown
Jane Bulnes-Fowles
Juan Bulnes-Fowles
Kathleen Burgess
Ciara Campbell
Jude Campbell
Thomas Campbell
Marvin Caplan
Thomas Caplan
Michael Conway
Dr. Yvonne Cormier
Bill Daley
Loretta Daley
Denise Dangremond
Robert Dangremond
Benjamin Eakeley
Douglas Eakeley
Priscilla Eakeley
Betsy Ebeling
Colin Ebeling
Thomas Ebeling
Rosemary Estes
Robert Farmer
Adele Fath
Creekmore Fath
Ann Fisher
Jerome Fisher
Pam Fleischaker
Bishop Louis Ford
Jinnet Fowles
Linda Fuller
Millard Fuller
Amanda Gill
Jock Gill
Rosemary Gill
Sophie Gill
Barbara Glicken
Howard Glicken
Ruth Goldway
Susan Graber
Dr. Billy Graham
Ruth Graham
Maria Grauso-Kuttner
Brian Greenspun
Myra Greenspun
Barbara Grossman
Steven Grossman
Laura Handman
Cheryl Acton Harbour
Laurel Heiden
Sherry Heiden
Harold Ickes
Ben Ifshin
Chole Ifshin
David Ifshin
Gail Ifshin
Jake Ifshin
Grace Ellen Johnson
H. Alston Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Mason Johnson
Roslyn Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Susanne Johnson
Tanner Johnson
Claiborne Jones
Donald Jones
Karen Jones
Robert Trent Jones, Jr.
John Kluge
M. Larry Lawrence
Shelia Lawrence
Melissa Ludtke
James Lyons
Marcia Lyons
Rev. Anthony Mangun
Michael Ann Mangun
Dr. Ann Markusen
David Markusen-Weiss
Vicki Marti
David Matter
Dorothy McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe
James Moore
Jane Moore
Judith Price Osgood
Charles Palmer
Andrew Paschall
Doug Paschall
Rachel Paschall
Rosemary Paschall
Patricia Podlich
William Podlich
Shirley Price
Carolyn Rainer
William Rainer
Audre Rapoport
Bernard Rapoport
Ernest Ricketts
Kate Ricketts
Renee Ring
Lyn Hecht Schaffran
Kimberly Schreter
Molly Shanley
Constance Shapiro
Stuart Shapiro
Derek Shearer
Lloyd Shearer
Marva Shearer
Betty Sheinbaum
Stanley Sheinbaum
Jenny Simpson
Ashley Spence
Courtney Spence
Mary Couri Spence
Roy Spence
Shay Spence
Bill Staton
Carolyn Ellis Staton
Patty Stearns
Rick Stearns
Rev. Charles Stith
Deborah Prothrow Stith
Mary Alyce Stradling
Mike Driver Stradling
Susan Thomases
Michael Turpen
Susan Turpen
Richard Valeriani
Amy Verrett
Edith Wasserman
Lewis Wasserman
Mark Weiner
Susan Weiner
William Worsley
Paul Zofnass

Friends and Supporters (111 guests)

“Persons that the President or First Lady came to know during or after the 1992 Campaign and their accompanying guests”

Leonard Barrack
Lynne Barrack
Andrea Batchelor
Dick Batchelor
Erskine Bowles
Joan Brandt
William Brandt
Shirley Brown
Janet Burkle
John Burkle
Ronald Burkle
Rev. Anthony Campolo
Margaret Campolo
Bernie Cantor
Iris Cantor
John Catsimatides
Margo Catsimatides
Gertrude Cejas
Paul Cejas
Catherine Chapman
Max Chapman
John Connelly
Quincy Daniel
Sean Daniel
Joseph Dawson
Melba Dawson
Barbara Lee Diamondstein-Spielvogel
Beth Dozoretz
Ron Dozoretz
Daniel Dutko
Nancy Ellison
Debra Farar
Joel Farar
Sym Farar
Gary Fine
Alex Friedman
Richard Friedman
Frieda Furman
Roy Furman
John Garamendi
Patti Garamendi
Joe Geller
Charles Gervais
Felicia Gervais
Marie Gray
Dorothea Green
Steven Green
Fred Hochberg
Ruth Hunter
Rev. William Hybels
Lee Iaccoca
Ghada Irani
Dr. Ray Irani
Rita Jackson
Laurene Jobs
Steven Jobs
Janice Johnson
Roger Johnson
Deborah Jospin
Clayton Kaeiser
Selma Kaye
Walter Kaye
Cynthia Leesfield
Ira Leesfield
Kathleen Leonard
Tom Leonard
Alan Leventhal
Carol Leventhal
Carl Lindner
Leni May
Peter May
Norma Mills
Olan Mills
Paul Montrone
Sandra Montrone
Dr. Dean Ornish
Alan Patricof
Susan Patricof
Gene Prescott
Morris Pynoos
Rita Pynoos
William Rollnick
Bruce Ratner
Julie Ratner
Steven Rattner
Lewis Rudin
Rachel Rudin
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg
Edwin Schlossberg
Dr. Robert Schuller
Carol Shields
Stanley Shuman
Sydney Shuman
Donna Siegel
Fred Siegel
Alan Solomont
Susan Solomont
Carl Spielvogel
Barbara Stack
Bud Stack
Maria Titleman
William Titleman
Angelo Tsakopoulos
Sofia Tsakopoulos
Lillian Vernon
Bill Wardlaw
Kim Wardlaw
Maureen White
Audrey Wirginis
Hugh Westbrook
Dirk Ziff

Public Officials and Dignitaries (128 guests)

“Former and current public office holders, Clergy, World Leaders, children of former Presidents, and their accompanying guests.”

Mayor Jerry Abrahmson
Madeline Abramson
Trond Andersen
Mayor Dennis Archer
Governor Evan Bayh
Mrs. Evan Bayh
B.A. Bentsen
Secretary Lloyd Bentsen
Cynthia Blumenthal
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal
Chloe Breyer
Dr. Joanna Breyer
Nell Breyer
Justice Stephen Breyer
Governor John Y. Brown
Mayor Willie Brown
President George Bush
Mayor Bill Campbell
Sharon Campbell
Diana Carlin
Governor John Carlin
Jean Carnahan
Governor Mel Carnahan
Martha Carper
Governor Thomas Carper
Governor Gaston Caperton
President Jimmy Carter
Rosalyn Carter
Governor Ben Cayetano
Governor Lawton Chiles
Rhea Chiles
Maggie Daley
Mayor Richard Daley
Clifton Daniel
Margaret Truman Daniel
Lt. Governor Gray Davis
Susan Davis
Governor Howard Dean
Judith Dean
Attorney General Larry Echohawk
Terry Echohawk
Linda Edmisten
Secretary of State Rufus Edmisten
Attorney General Lee Fisher
Peggy Zone Fisher
Janet Fitzgerald
State Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald
Representative Geraldine Ferraro
Mayor Sandra Freedman
Phyllis George
Frances Anne Glendening
Governor Parris Glendening
King Harald of Norway
Queen Sonja of Norway
Mary James
Mayor Sharpe James
Elizabeth Jones
Governor Brereton Jones
State Senator Daryl Jones
Mayor Frank Jordan
Wendy Jordan
Alice King
Governor Bruce King
Governor John Kitzhaber
Sharon Kitzhaber
Sussan Knowles
Governor Tony Knowles
Dorothy Lamm
Governor Richard Lamm
Congresswoman Blanche Lambert Lincoln
Dr. Steve Lincoln
Mary Lowry
Governor Michael Lowry
Roderic Lyne
Prime Minister John Major
Land Commissioner Garry Mauro
Judith Mauro
Commissioner Edward McNamara
Lucille McNamara
Governor Ned McWherter
Angela Menino
Mayor Thomas Menino
Governor Robert Miller
Shirley Miller
Governor Zell Miller
Governor Benjamin Nelson
Diane Nelson
State Treasurer Bill Nelson
Billy Nelson
Grace Nelson
Nan Ellen Nelson
Donna Nigh
Governor George Nigh
Lt. Governor Frank O’Bannon
Judy O’Bannon
Judi Patton
Governor Paul Patton
Dalia Rabin Philosoph
Leah Rabin
Yuval Rabin, Jr.
Mayor Ed Rendell
Judge Midge Rendell
Mayor Norman Rice, Jr.
Governor Ann Richards
Ann Riley
Edward Riley
Mayor Joe Riley
Secretary Richard Riley
Ted Riley, Jr.
Mayor Richard Riordan
Bea Romer
Governor Roy Romer
Mayor Kurt Schmoke
Dr. Patricia Schmoke
Governor George Sinner
Jane Sinner
Bodil Slyngstad
Jane Sullivan
Governor Michael Sullivan
Governor John Waihee
Lynne Waihee
Governor David Walters
Rhonda Walters
Mayor Wellington Webb
Wilma Webb
Governor Bill Winter
Elise Winter
Ambassador Andrew Young

Arts and Letters (67 guests)

“Persons whom the President or First Lady met through the individuals’ professional activities in the arts, literature, and American culture and their accompanying guests”

Merv Adelson
Thea Adelson
Donna Ballman
Dr. Mary Catherine Bateson
Kathleen Battle
Alan Bergman
Candice Bergen
Marilyn Bergman
Jessica Capshaw
Kate Capshaw
Chevy Chase
Jani Chase
Adele Chatfield-Taylor
Judy Collins
Ted Danson
Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Richard Dreyfuss
Patricia Duff
Barbara Fineman
Jane Fonda
John Gaubatz
Kathy Gaubatz
David Geffen
Jake Glaser
Paul Glaser
Gary Goldberg
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Richard Goodwin
John Guare
Lynda Guber
Peter Guber
Tom Hanks
Dr. Jean Houston
Dixie Jewison
Norman Jewison
Rick Kaplan
Priscilla Kaplan
Christine Lahti
Sherry Lansing
Esther P. Lederer
Chloe Malle
Mike Medavoy
Leslie Moonves
Nancy Moonves
James Naughton
Pam Naughton
Eileen Norton
Peter Norton
Sharyn Richardson
Charles Roven
Denise Roy
Becky Saletan
Thomas Schlamme
Wilson Schlamme
Lorraine Sheinberg
Sidney Sheinberg
Diane Simon
Neil Simon
Steven Spielberg
Dawn Steele
Barbra Streisand
Rose Styron
Elizabeth Tilberis
Ted Turner
Ben Wesley
Rita Wilson
Marianne Williamson


Sleep-over guests who were also invited to White House kaffeeklatsches.
Click the icon to see how many White House coffees the donor was invited to.
Sleep-over guests who are also on the MoJo 400. Click the icon to see how much they donated.


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