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Founded in 1892 in Illinois, the Equitable Powder Company supplied blasting powder tomidwestern coal mines. The company soon expanded into small arms and ammunition and was renamed the Western Cartridge Company in 1898. In 1931, Western purchased the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. In 1944, Winchester-Western merged with the Mathieson Chemical Corporation, a manufacturer of fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, to form Olin Industries.
COMPANY NAME: COMPANY HEADQUARTERS: 501 Merritt 7, P.O. Box 4500, Norwalk, CT 06856 COMPANY WEB SITE: 2001 GROSS REVENUES: $1.27B NUMBER OF EXMPLOYEES: 5,900 TYPES OF BUSINESS: Manufacturing of copper alloys, ammunition, chemicals and aerospace materials. TYPES OF FEDERAL CONTRACTS: Production of metal used in US coins and development and production of ammunition and reloading components.