Lead Stat:
60% of Americans now believing…
Gallup Poll, Religion, 2002.
Jesus and SUV:
Pew Research Center, July 24, 2003, “Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus” p. 21
Citizens and Church graph:
New Millenium Survey, Gallup International, December 1999,
Church Attendance (core party loyalists):
National Election Studies, Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan
Rev. Sun Myung Moon Narrative:
John Gorenfeld , Salon.com, June 21, 2004
Ashcroft: Bob Jones University Commencement Address, June 1999
Boykin: “The Pentagon Unleashes a Holy Warrior,” William M. Arkin, Los Angeles Times, June 2, 2004
Boykin: “Faith-based Chief cites Culture War,” Peter Wallsten, Los Angeles Times, June 2, 2004
Goldwater, 1981 speech, Associated Press, May 30, 1998
DeLay, July 10, 2001, speech organized by the Center for Christian Statesmanship
1. www.whitehouse.gov
2. Time poll, June 21, 2004, www.time.com/time/covers/1101040621
3. BBC News, January 29, 2002, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/Americas/1788845
4. “Hatch Deal Could Span Ethics Inquiry, Experts say,” Robert Gehrke, Associated Press, August 22, 2003
5. Christian Exodus, www.christianexodus.org
6. Pew Research Center, July 24, 2003, “Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus.” p. 10
7. Ibid p. 10
8. Ibid p. 4
9. CNN, June 2004, www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/06/08/poll.binladen/
10. American Religious Identification Survey, City University of New York, 2001 http://www.gc.cuny.edu/studies/key_findings.htm
11. ABC Online, June 16, 2004; The Guardian, June 16, 2004, “Inquest on the Inquisition; Historians say it wasn’t that Bad,” Sophie Arie.
12. Pew Research Center, July 24, 2003, “Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus,” p. 8.
13. “Experts in Sex Field Say Conservatives Interfere With Health and Research,” Mireya Navarro, The New York Times, July 11, 2004.
14. The Alliance to end Hunger and Call to Renewal Survey, conducted by Tom Freedman and Jim McLaughlin, 2004.
15. Pew Research Center, July 24, 2003, “Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus,” p. 20.
16. Mother Jones Poll, May 2004
17. Pew Research Center, July 24, 2003, “Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus.” p. 10
18. Peace Index Survey, Tami Steinmetz Center For Peace Research, June 2004 http://spirit.tau.ac.il/socant/peace/
19. Evangelicals in America, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc., April 2004, http://www.greenbergresearch.com/publications/reports/evaninamerica_0404.pdf
20. “Robertson Charity Wins Faith-Based Grant,” Washington Post, October 3, 2002
21. Ibid
22. Letter to Health and Human Services Dtr. Tommy Thompson from Rep. Henry Waxman www.house.gov/reform/min/pdfs_108/pdf_inves/pdf_admin_nih_hit_list_oct_27_let.pdf
23. The Texas Faith-Based Initiative at Five Years, October 2002, Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, www.tfn.org/issues/charitablechoice/report02.html
24. The Texas Faith-Based Initiative at Five Years, October 2002, Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, www.tfn.org/issues/charitablechoice/report02.html
25. Family Research Council, www.frc.org
26. 2000 National Survey of Religion and Politics, University of Akron Survey Research Center, http://www.beliefnet.com/politics/data/2000_religious_groups1.html