Photo: AP/Wide World Photos
THE TRADITIONS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE and citizen participation have been at the heart of American civic culture since before the nation was founded. Historically, our greatest strength as a nation has been to be there for one another. Citizen participation has been the lifeblood of democracy. As Thomas Paine put it, “The highest calling of every individual in a democratic society is that of citizen!” Accidents of nature and abstract notions of improvement do not make our communities better or healthier places in which to live and work. They get better because people like you decide that they want to make a difference.
Volunteering is not a conservative or liberal, Democratic or Republican issue; caring and compassion simply help to define us as being human.
It is within our power to move beyond a disaster and economic crisis like the one that has engulfed New Orleans and to create new opportunities. What it comes down to is assuming personal responsibility. If we decide to become involved in voluntary efforts, we can restore idealism, realism, responsiveness, and vitality to our institutions and our communities.
At her memorial service, it was said of Eleanor Roosevelt, the most influential American woman of the twentieth century, that “she would rather light a candle than curse the darkness.” What was true for her then is true for us now. The choice to make a difference is ours.
How to help those individuals and communities hurt by Hurricane Katrina through donations and volunteering.
The following organizations and groups that provide direct emergency assistance:
American Red Cross
(800) HELP NOW (435-7669) English; (800) 257-7575 Spanish
web site
America”s Second Harvest
(800) 344-8070
web site
American Friends Service Committee
web site
B’nai B’rith International
(888) 388-4224
web site
Catholic Charities, USA
(703) 549-1390
web site
Christian Disaster Response
(941) 956-5183
web site
Church World Service
(800) 297-1516
web site
Feed The Children
(800) 525-7575
web site
Lutheran Disaster Response
(800) 638-3522
Oxfam America
(800) 77-OXFAM or (617)482-1211
web site
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
web site
Salvation Army
(800 725-2769
web site
Southern Baptist Disater Relief
(800) 462-8657
web site
Union For Reform Judaism
(212) 650-4140
web site
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
web site
United Jewish Communities
(877) 277-2477
web site
United Methodist Committee On Relief
web site
Volunteers of America
(800) 899-0089
web site
YMCA of the USA
(800) 872-9622
web site
YWCA of the USA
(800) YWCA US1
web site
The following organizations and groups provide direct or indirect assistance and/or advocate for policies and programs to assist victims or stricken communities. This is particularly important because of the failure of the federal government and this administration to provide leadership and competence before and during the disaster. Voluntary efforts should not be a substitute for government action, and advocacy groups must take the initiative to assure that the government fulfills its responsibility to the American people.
(877) 55ACORN
web site
Campaign for America’s Future
(202) 955-5665
web site
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
(202) 541-3000
web site
Center for Health, Enviroment and Justice
(703) 237-2249
web site
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
(202) 408-1080
web site
Children’s Defense Fund
(202) 628-8787
web site
City Year
(617) 927-2500
web site
Coalition on Human Needs
(202) 223-2532
web site
Common Cause
web site
Community Action Partnership
web site
Corporation for Supportive Housing
(212) 986-2966 ext. 500
web site
Field Mobilization Departmentof the AFL-CIO
web site
Habitat for Humanity
(229) 924-6935
web site
web site
(877) NAACP-98
web site
National Congress for Community Economic Development
(877) 44-NCCED or 202 289-9020
web site
National Council of La Raza
web site
National Neighborhood Coalition
(202) 408-8533
web site
National Urban League
(212) 558-5300
web site
National Mental Health Association
web site
People for the American Way
(800) 326-7329
web site
Project America
(804) 358-1605
web site
Sierra Club
(415) 977-5500
web site
In addition to contributing money, basic supplies and services; the
healthiest response for individuals is to volunteer to do community service in your own home town.
For a more complete in-depth list see: Make A Difference: America’s Guide to Volunteering and Community Service by Arthur I. Blaustein (Jossey Bass/Wiley)
Please contribute to the health and vitality of our communities by sharing this list with as many people as possible.