Now here’s an idea: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has actually designed his own version of an electrified fence to run along the U.S.-Mexico border. He quickly assembled the thing during a presentation on the House floor Tuesday, explaining as he finished:
“Now you could also deconstruct it the same way. You could take it back down. If somehow they got their economy working and got their laws working in Mexico we could pull this back out just as easy as we could put it in. We could open it up again or we could open it up and let livestock run through there, whatever we choose.
I also say we need to do a few other things on top of that wall, and one of them being to put a little bit of wire on top here to provide a disincentive for people to climb over the top or put a ladder there. We could also electrify this wire with the kind of current that would not kill somebody, but it would simply be a discouragement for them to be fooling around with it. We do that with livestock all the time.”
Got that, ladies and gentlemen? “We do that with livestock all the time.” This is the man, as Wonkette notes, who once famously observed that “D.C, is more dangerous than Iraq.” And with people like him running around, we can see why.