Via the Note. It would be nice if people weren’t so…well, you know.
“Terrorism has inched up in importance in the 2006 midterm elections and Republicans have regained an edge in trust to handle it, helping George W. Bush’s party move closer to the Democrats in congressional vote preference,” writes ABC News’ Polling Director Gary Langer.
“The Republicans lead the Democrats in trust to handle terrorism by 48-41 percent among registered voters in this ABC News poll, a flip from a seven-point Democratic advantage last month. And 16 percent now call terrorism the top issue in their vote, a slight five-point gain.”
“The Republicans’ edge on handling terrorism is still vastly below their 35-point lead on the issue heading into the 2002 midterm elections. But it’s still their best issue, the one Bush rode to re-election. And part of their gain is among independents, the key swing voters in any election: They now split between the parties in trust to handle terrorism, after favoring the Democrats by nine points last month.”