What doesn’t make the news (for example, that Senate investigators recently accused Grover Norquist of major fraud) is more significant than what does, these days. Think Progress points out today that a little bombshell buried in a Washington Post story has gone unnoticed: “Some senior officials even said they were quietly rooting for a [North Korean nuclear] test, believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.”
The story, “Rice Sees Bright Spot In China’s New Role Since N. Korean Test,” is about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s claim that China is becoming “more of a partner on issues of importance to the United States.” And, as Think Progress points out, Post reporter Glenn Kessler believes that Rice may be one of the officials who believes that North Korea’s nuclear test was a “plus” for the U.S.
Here is an illuminating timeline on North Korea’s nuclear program.