A Christian Broadcasting Network blog has been asking readers “Which issues will affect your vote during the midterm elections?”
Excerpts from the discussion last week:
“Forget the politics. I am in no mood today. Let’s just remember we all worship the same God, who is most merciful and benevolent, and must be heartbroken to see this quarreling. A situation too complicated to explain that has been most stressful for me has just been resolved by what can only be divine intervention. At the moment, I don’t care who wins Congress, or if Baptists ever let gays marry, I’m just overjoyed I’m not losing the person I love most. Thank you, Jesus.” —orpheus1984
“What difference does it make regarding political issues. Once a man or woman is elected into office, their whole character changes and all of a sudden they take ownership of the state they represent, or their country, and forget to represent the people. ‘The People’ is the last of their concern as long as they get their personal ‘agenda’. As far as truth in government is concerned, it does not exist. Immorality, killing the unborn, homosexuality, lieing [sic], murder, theft are all reflective of the minds that govern this country” —darmar48
“I am just amazed at what a crazy frightening disease religion really is. Please keep it away from children and animals.” —liberate
“…I believe our country has real problems to deal with, and none of them are the so called ‘values’ issues conservatives use to rally the faithful. How much time and money did the last Congress spend on such peripheral issues such as gay marriage, flag burning and Terri Schiavo while ignoring Social Security, the health care crisis in our country and gun control. No matter which side of these issues you fall on, you have to admit all these things have a far greater impact on our country than whether two people who love each other.” —deacnblews
Read the discussion postings to date here.