As promised, Laura Bush stumped for Richard Pombo today and instead of touting his strengths, as, say, a force to be reckoned with for private property rights, she chose to focus on his environmental track record, calling him “an enthusiastic steward of our country’s natural resources.”
Uh, that’s a bit like calling Mel Gibson a steward for religious harmony. “Because of his leadership,” she went on, “wildlife, property and people will be protected from dangerous flooding.” It’s as if he were the captain of Noah’s Ark!
Richard Pombo has used his position as chair of the House Resources Committee to try to overhaul the Endangered Species Act to eliminate habitat protection, and to weaken laws protecting the oceans.
The first lady, who’s on a first name basis with the 14-year California state representative (her husband calls him The Marlboro Man) insists that Pombo “is committed to safeguarding local ecosystems. Richard promotes responsible conservation initiatives, programs that protect wildlife while also improving the lives of his constituents.”
Read this week’s interview with Pombo’s opponent, wind-energy engineer Jerry McNerney, who currently holds a 2-point lead, here.