North Korea, specifically. I’ll let Josh do the honors, since he puts it well.
Remember how the whole premise of Bush administration North Korea policy was that we shouldn’t be offering ‘pay-offs’ to the North Koreans in exchange for them giving up their nuclear program?
From today’s Times …
“The United States has offered a detailed package of economic and energy assistance in exchange for North Korea’s giving up nuclear weapons and technology, American officials said Tuesday.”
So after six long years of incompetence, arrogance, dithering and disaster, in which the president allowed the NKs to waltz into the nuclear club unimpeded, they’re now back to the same policy they insisted on ditching in the first place. Only now with a hand infinitely weaker than it was in 2000 since back then the NKs didn’t have the bomb.
For Mother Jones‘ coverage of life North Korea, see the bizarre, the serious, and the pretty dang funny.