Oh boy. I really can’t wait for the transcript of this Supreme Court case. The Supes have agreed to hear a First Amendment case involving an Alaska teen who was suspended for unfurling a banner reading “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” The student says he did it as a prank to try to get on TV, but his principal said he’d violated the school rules by promoting drug use. (I guess promoting religion didn’t work in his favor.) An appeals court sided with the kid, declaring that his free-speech rights were violated. But the school—represented by Kenneth Starr—has appealed to the Supreme Court. Serious questions of free expression aside, I think it’s safe to say this will be the first time the phrase “bong hits” will be uttered in those hallowed halls (any SCOTUS watchers out there know otherwise?). If ever a Supreme Court hearing deserved its own drinking game, this is it.