Matt Yglesias has a typically great takedown of the Big Three Republican contenders, Giuliani, McCain, and Romney, over at the American Prospect. There’s nothing new to report, but Yglesias illustrates why they are all basically ineligible for the Republican nomination with economy and some good humor (“Mitt Romney is the most freakishly transparent liar I’ve ever witnessed.”). It’s worth a read. I’ll highlight one particularly insightful point here:
Given that they’re all viewed skeptically by cultural conservatives, the only possible way for any of them to campaign for the nomination is with an escalating race to the right on national security, even though Iraq just led the GOP to disaster last November. Which vulnerable state that Bush won in 2004 is rendered more secure by making the Republican Party less committed to social conservatism but more committed to the Iraq project? Ohio? Virginia? Missouri? Nevada? Iowa? I don’t see it. [Emphasis his.]
Yup, they’re all screwed. That’s why I’ve come to realize that a ticket with Mike Huckabee and Chuck Hagel would pretty much be unstoppable. I’m thinking Hagel for president because he has war experience, much better teeth, and is currently right on the biggest issue, Iraq. I’m thinking Huckabee for vice president because he seems cuddly (he doesn’t swear!) and was a preacher for a long time. Also, he wrote a self-help book about losing weight and is named Huckabee, two things that probably disqualify him from the presidency.
By the way, I’m not really joking. In a week, there will be a Newsweek article about these two forming a ticket. Just watch.