Oprah Winfrey, appearing on the Larry King Live show, threw her support behind Barack Obama. Her explanation: “I know him personally; I think that what he stands for, what he has proven that he can stand for, was worth me going out on a limb for him. I haven’t done it in the past; I haven’t felt that I knew anybody well enough to be able to say I believe in this person.”
She wishes no ill will on anyone, especially Hillary. “I have great respect for Hillary Clinton. I have said before that because I am for Barack, does not mean that I am against Hillary or anybody else. . . . I have not one negative thing to say about Hillary Clinton.”
She’s kind of done this before. In the past, though, Oprah avoided saying directly “I endorse Barack Obama.” Instead she would say things like Obama is “her guy,” or “her choice,” or “her favorite senator.” Now it’s more official.
I’m not kidding around folks. If Obama uses Oprah to chip away at Clinton’s base amongst women, it’s over. Obama should just start campaign for re-election.