So, how can kids these days be convinced to shell out big bucks for CDs when free mp3s of the new Fergie megajam are just a click away? Here’s an idea: add value through the magic of odor. CMJ reports that CDDVD Now! plans to introduce scent-infused scratch ‘n’ sniff CDs, which they’re calling “Rub ‘n’ Smell Discs.” Seriously. The Bay Area company alleges that scents “stimulate purchase activity,” which I suppose is true when you smell cookies and then buy actual cookies. The scents are applied to the CD surface as a varnish, customers release the odor by lightly rubbing the surface. Stock scents offered include standards like Strawberry and Watermelon, pleasant surprises like Ocean Mist and Clean Cotton, and bafflers like Asphalt and Stinky Cheese. Custom scents are also available… please tell me the new Collie Buddz CD will smell like Cheetos and Ho-Hos.