Potentially lacking the wit of our other esteemed bloggers, I hope to let the site speak for itself here… Our tech team has been working late into the night to make the Mother Jones website better looking, more readable, and more useful to you. Yesterday we launched what we might call a “first step” in a much fuller redesign project. We’re eager to know what you think so far!
We’re even more eager to know what you think about how far we have to go to build the best looking, best performing online media experience you can’t get enough of…. I’ll be popping on the blog periodically to inquire, but here’s the first step: Drop us a comment or two. What do you love and hate about the site? Are you a designer? How about throwing some scrawled on napkins my way? naster-at-motherjones is the address.
We’ve got some great things up our sleeves — this is only the beginning.