For Adoptive Parents outlines the steps prospective adoptive parents can take to protect themselves from adoption fraud website run by adoptive parents David and Desiree Smolin, devoted to exploring the complexities of intercountry adoption independent organization that promotes ethical adoption practices worldwide
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute: research and advocacy organization for adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents
U.S. Department of State: detailed information about the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, as well as updates on individual country programs
For Birth Parents
Concerned United Birthparents: international organization advocating for birth parents
The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade, by Ann Fessler (The Penguin Press, 2006)
Family Preservation Resources
There are hundreds of charitable organizations working to assist children and families internationally. When it comes to programs that allow donors to support a specific child, it’s important to keep in mind that most of these programs also assist families and communities. That’s a good thing: A child cannot survive or have long-term stability without a supportive network. Organizations often choose to offer individual child sponsorships because they are most appealing to donors.
Better Care Network: articles and resources about the best ways to aid children living without family care
Plan: promotes sustainable development around the globe as a way to create family and community stability
FINCA International: provides microloans to people in twenty countries
World Vision: Christian humanitarian organization that provides child sponsorships to children in nearly 100 countries, including the United States
Adoptee Organizations
Over the past decade, a growing number of transnational and transracial adoptees have begun examining and speaking out about their personal experiences. Some have formed political groups that call for a wholesale reevaluation of intercountry adoption.
Adoptee Solidarity Korea: political group of adoptees living in Korea that advocates for ending Korean transnational adoption
Also Known As: New York City-based networking organization for transnationally adopted adults
Bastard Nation: advocacy group for adult adoptees, both domestic and transnational
First Nations Orphan Association: advocacy and support organization for Native Americans who were placed in adoption or foster care as children
Language of Blood: website of Korean adoptee and author Jane Jeong Trenka, who wrote The Language of Blood. Includes a blog, weblinks, news postings, and other information related to her experience as a transnational adoptee
Transracial Abductees: no-holds-barred online forum for transracially adopted people