Are we supposed to applaud Sen. Obama’s courage in standing up to the “special interests”?
Despite the backlash, gay-bashing preacher-singer Donnie McClurkin brought the noise to the contender’s South Carolina, pander-to-black-hatred tour stop yesterday. So, not only is he legitimizing black bigotry, he’s also a coward by choosing not to share a stage with McClurkin. Instead, the campaign scrounged around for a token to prove that some of it’s best friends were gay:
Sidden is the white, gay pastor added to the concert bill as a last minute compromise by the Obama campaign. Sidden’s appearance was notably brief and anti-climactic: He said a short prayer to the auditorium at the very beginning of the program, when the arena was only about half full, and then he left.
We’re supposed to believe that Obama thought CP Time wouldn’t be in effect for once?
Disgraceful, all around. Whether Obama had ever intended to attend the concert, he should have after the scandal broke or he should have cancelled it and admitted the error (pot calling the kettle black watch: didn’t he hammer Sen. Clinton for waffling on admitting her Iraq War vote was a mistake?). Hiding behind the black masses and their unassailable hyper-religiosity will not soon be forgotten by those supporters who thought him the man who’d bring integrity and truth-telling back to Washington. If he doesn’t soon answer this question, his silence will do the job for him: how does Obama reconcile his mild, but clear, support for gay rights with an embrace of those who believe God “saves” believers from the sin of homosexuality? No points, Senator, for hiding behind the bigotry of the black masses while positioning yourself as he who will tell blacks, and therefore the country, what they don’t want to hear. I guess he just means the ones who’ll still vote for him no matter what he does.
Maybe it’s true what they (used to) say (out loud) about blacks and music: funk it up and anything blacks’ ignorantly fear becomes sacrosanct and you, a racist, for objecting.