Mike Huckabee is one passive aggressive Mo-Fo. His pheasant hunting outing yesterday was the perfect example: he was able to showcase his wily criticism, to slam Mitt Romney without ever mentioning his name. And to make broad allusions to political muscle while really only talking about varmints.
He compared killing a pheasant to trying to crossing him politically: “Don’t get in my way, this is what happens.” In between shots he said that he’s the candidate who brings a “level of authenticity and credibility to the campaign.”
And by that, of course, he meant Romney is no hunter. He criticized the Massachusetts governor, who has called himself a hunter, for only tracking “small varmints.” Then, going after even the varmint vote, Huckabee added that in college he ate his fair share of fried squirrel and Coke. Greased up in his popcorn popper.
Ah, a man of the people.