More on the Michigan Democrats for Romney movement:
Tomorrow’s the MI primary — here’s your pocket analysis. Journalists and pundits who haven’t been properly chastened by New Hampshire will tell you that if Romney doesn’t win in the state where he was raised, his campaign is over. Don’t believe them. Romney has a ton of money. He’ll be around to fight another day. (That said, I’ve seen Romney on the stump multiple times and I’d be surprised if he wins a single state.) If McCain wins, the media will anoint him the frontrunner heading into the January 19 South Carolina primary. If Huckabee wins, the media will say he’s “one of the frontrunners” because they don’t like Huckabee as much as they like McCain, and because they don’t believe someone who appeals so exclusively to evangelical Christians can win the big states on February 5th. Polling currently has Romney first, McCain second, and Huckabee third. But the polling is going to have to predict a bunch of these things correctly before the public or the press corps really trusts it again.