The Hillary Clinton campaign may be at its nadir. It is reportedly running low on cash, considering skipping the Nevada and South Carolina caucuses because of anticipated losses, and weighing the idea of mixing up its staff at the top level. And on the campaign trail, it seems rudderless and lacking in message. Harold Meyerson spent time with the campaign here in New Hampshire and wrote that it is missing “a theme, an emphasis, a sorting of priorities, a touch of context, some urgency, a larger raison d’etre, a grand — dare we say, presidential — purpose.”
Anyone who looked all the “inevitable” talk/spin/mythology in the face six months ago and called it phony is unbelievably prescient. But don’t count Clinton out. She has a team of politics’ best people, and she personally has more grit and resilience than perhaps any other public figure in America. People said McCain was toast last summer, and he will likely cruise to a victory today.
Hillary Clinton might be a better underdog than any of us know. Barack Obama might be a worse frontrunner than any of us know. And Republicans, knowing that Clinton is more polarizing than Obama and thus an easier opponent in the general, might weigh in with a dirty trick to derail Obama.
Update: It doesn’t help that Bill Clinton is lashing out in ways that don’t seem to be helping.