This is awesome.
At a recent Ohio rally, John McCain was introduced by right-wing radio nutjob Bill Cunningham. Cunningham spent his introduction slamming Obama, repeatedly referring to him “Barack Hussein Obama” and calling him a “hack, Chicago-style, Daley politician.” He made reference to “CBS the Clinton Broadcasting System, NBC the Nobody But Clinton network, the All Bill Clinton channel ABC, and the Clinton News Network.”
The nutjobbery was bad enough that McCain immediately approached reporters after the event and denounced Cunningham’s comments. His statement:
“I have repeatedly stated my respect for Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton, that I will treat them with respect… I want to disassociate myself with any disparaging remarks that may have been said about them…I did not set up the program but I take full responsibility.”
Guess who didn’t like that? Bill Cunningham. On his radio show, he went after the man he just introduced:
“He just threw me under the bus for the national media. I have had it… I’m going to endorse Hillary Clinton. I want Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States. I am going to throw my support behind Hillary Clinton.”
Ha! Hahaha. Now Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others are piling on McCain because of the incident. Let’s make it a movement, folks!
You know how McCain was supposed to use this period—the couple months after he sewed up the nomination while the Democrats were still slugging it out—to solidify his support among the conservative base and the conservative elites who hate him?
Not. Happening.