John McCain has still not had to deal with his Rod Parsley problem. One reason he’s been able to avoid controversy about his campaign connection to a megachurch pastor who has called for the eradication of the “false religion” of Islam is that major media outlets have not covered this story.
Media Matters, a liberal news-watching outfit, reports that a March 25 search of the Nexis database shows that
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, NBC, ABC, and The Wall Street Journal have not reported on Parsley or noted his comments in the context of McCain’s campaign. A March 17 USA Today article reported only that Parsley was “accused of urging war on Muslims.”
MM adds, “The media have devoted extensive coverage to Obama’s supporters, but have failed to report the controversial comments of supporters of McCain.” And McCain’s campaign press office refuses to take my calls regarding Parsley. On this matter, the Not-So-Straight Talk Express has so far gotten a free ride.