From the Billings Gazette:
Rather than putting up posters and distributing bumper stickers, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill Fischer said he is focusing on prayer.
Fischer, a Lakeside logger and excavator, acknowledged that he and running mate Steve White of Kalispell are running an unconventional campaign.
“We are basically asking people to pray for our state and for our government and that whichever candidates will bring the greatest blessing to Montana and the greatest blessing to God will be the ones that will be elected,” Fischer said. “I obviously believe I fit that role, or I wouldn’t have run.”
…Fischer said he would establish a continuous prayer schedule for Montanans 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People would sign up for time slots and pray for the state regularly.
You can meet the candidate here (he seems like a really, really nice dude!) and learn more about his call to prayer here. Note that this isn’t the strangest thing to happen in recent Montanan politics. This is.