Oh, dear. I’m not sure my little lady brain can take it, but the Wall Street Journal has created a new page on its website specifically aimed at women. While thankfully the site isn’t designed in a Sex and the City shade of pink, it’s full of stereotypically female things like shoes, fashion, dieting, and Bonnie Fuller.
While the page does have a few interesting articles, like one on how the termination of your pregnancy may coincide with the termination of your job, the entire idea of a separate ladies section of the Journal is a bit problematic. Doesn’t it sort of imply that the big, bad, serious sections of the newspaper are for the big boys? That women aren’t interested in scary, manly topics like quarterly earnings or industry mergers? Channeling Carrie Bradshaw, I couldn’t help but wonder: can’t you have a vagina and a brain too?
I think the tone of the page answers some of those questions. There’s an article on “Putting an End to Mindless Munching,” another on “Decolletage at a Work Dinner,” and the kicker, “High on Heels: How Shoes Affect the Juggle.” The last article is a blog post on how high heels look great at the office, but hurt your feet. This is news? Come on, Rupert, we expect better, even from you.