It’s a pander, no doubt, but it might be a successful one. Why? Because people don’t know that it won’t reduce gas prices. Check out these numbers from a recent Rasmussen poll:
In order to reduce the price of gas, should drilling be allowed in offshore oil wells off the coasts of California, Florida, and other states?
67% Yes
18% No
15% Not sure
If offshore oil is allowed, how likely is it that the price of gas will go down?
27% Very likely
37% Somewhat likely
21% Not very likely
6% Not at all likely
8% Not sure
I’ll only add that this whole thing may not matter in the long run because offshore drilling seems bound to be one of those election-season issues that flare up for a few weeks and then disappear, never to be heard from again. Remember the gas tax holiday that we all went bonkers over?