Today on Sean Hannity’s radio show, Lanny Davis, who was one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent surrogates during the primaries, said:
You know, I would consider voting for McCain on character and on the kind of human being he is because I have great–I know him–I have great admiration for him. I would sleep well at night if John McCain is President. But on the issues, Barack Obama is for the issues that I care about.
That, as they might say at Obama HQ, is not helpful. If Hillary Hold-ons pose a problem for Barack Obama (as I noted earlier), then the key placers in Hillaryland have to do all they can to encourage these voters to put aside any resentment and swing behind Obama. Cynical political observers–and perhaps not-so-cynical observers–can wonder if Davis’ remarks reflect a reluctance within the inner Clinton circle to do that and a desire to keep the anti-Obama pot boiling.