Hillary Clinton has responded to the McCain ad that uses her image and words:
Every one of us could stand up and recite all the reasons why we must elect Barack. The Supreme Court is at stake; our educational system needs the right kind of change. We’ve got to become energy independent; we have to create millions of new green collar jobs. We’ve got so much work to do around the world.
None of that will happen if John McCain is in the White House. I just want to make it absolutely clear we cannot afford four more years of George W. Bush’s failed policies in America and that’s what we would get with John McCain.
Now I understand that the McCain campaign is running ads trying to divide us and let me state what I think about their tactics and these ads: I am Hillary Clinton and I do not approve that message.
So let there be the no mistake about it, we are united. We are united for change.
Will that be enough to convince these folks? Probably not. It doesn’t help that every sign of reconciliation (Bill and Hillary slated to speak at the convention, for example), seems to come with another report that the Clintons feel, rightly or wrongly, disrespected by the Obama campaign.