Oh, Sarah Palin. I’m sick of hearing your name already. But I’ll say it once more because there is evidence that Ms.Palin may be a global warming-denier. Palin has said that she’s “unconvinced” human emissions are contributing to global warming. “Science will tell us,” her spokesman said. “She thinks the jury’s still out.” If by “jury” she means “the Bible,” then yes, the jury is still out. But if “jury” means scientific consensus, then Palin needs to check out the IPCC’s site or pick up an issue of Nature.
Though Palin may not believe in global warming, she does believe that polar bears are just fine, thank you very much. She sued the federal government in an attempt to derail their delayed listing of polar bears as an endangered species. In addition, Palin is in favor of drilling vital polar bear habitat in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, maybe in part because her husband works for BP. I don’t know if Palin is motivated to support oil companies for love or for money. Either way, with her as Vice President, life will look even bleaker for those ice-dependent polar bears.