When PolitiFact did a fact-check of the “Is Obama the Antichrist?” question back in April, I thought it was a touch ridiculous. They got multiple professors of religious studies to chime in and did a serious examination of the text of Revelation. They found that not only is Obama not the Antichrist (stunning!), the chain email that suggests he is has no familiarity with the Bible and is a pretty pathetic piece of work, even for a smear email.
But that’s not a surprise, right? This is an email claiming a prominent American politician is the Antichrist. Of course it’s insane. No one needs a fact-check to prove that. Right?
Oops. The mayor of a South Carolina town apparently does. He forwarded the email after receiving it and when called on the fact that he was perpetuating a smear, he said, “I was just curious if there was any validity to it. I was trying to get documentation if there was any scripture to back it up.”
I’m going to start sending out emails claiming that this man is a half-wit. I’m just curious if there is any validity to it.