Or if the Court of Common Pleas in Lucas County, Ohio, issued a tax lien on Joe Wurzelbacher, the now-(in)famous plumber-by-association?
I don’t; nobody should.
But while John McCain and the right are heralding Joe as a hero for asking Barack Obama head-on if the plumbing business he wants to buy would pay higher taxes under Obama’s economic plan, everyone else, it seems, is prying into his life and making a huff about the fact that he was never licensed as a plumber in Ohio, owes back taxes, and just might be related to Charles Keating.
Why can’t we—the media—leave the guy alone? As far as I’m concerned, there are only two things that matter about Wurzelbacher: He probably won’t actually pay more taxes under Obama’s plan if he buys the plumbing business, and, as Andrew Sullivan notes:
Joe the Plumber has now had more press conferences than Sarah Palin.
—Steve Aquino