A couple of weeks ago we posted about the tough financial times we’ve encountered as a result of some funders pulling back on previously made commitments (plus of course the general economic meltdown). We asked you to help fill the hole they left–and because you are awesome, you did. We’re going into the new year leaner, meaner, but close enough to our fighting weight to take on whatever stories our crack investigative reporters encounter. (Job One: Keep tabs on the new administration, not to mention that line of bailout applicants stretching around the block.) We’ll spend your money carefully and we hope you like (and are outraged by) the results.
While we’re on house news, next week (we think) we’re launching our brand new website—same content, but much better presented and with a spiffy new commenting system that builds on what we’ve learned from you over the years. Thanks again for being part of the MoJo community.
And P.S. The subscriptions department kind of told us not to mention this, but we’re going to anyway: There’s a super secret special offer going on now whereby you get a MoJo subscription for a year PLUS a pound of Peace Coffee for $10. That’s less than a pound of Starbucks! And then you can be just like this guy.