Another scandal, another Hardball appearance. Tuesday night’s subjects: the Harman-AIPAC-Gonzales controversy and ex-Veep Dick Cheney’s continuing assaults on the Obama administration. Not much time to probe the depths of the Harman tale–because it takes a fair bit of time just to explain why it involves a possible double quid pro quo. (Harman allegedly offering–during a conversation intercepted by the NSA–to use her influence to reduce espionage-related charges for two AIPAC officials, and a suspected Israeli agent, in return, vowing to help her become House intelligence chair by arranging for a mega-donor to withhold campaign funds from Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales blocking a preliminary FBI probe of Harman because Harman, a California Democrat, could help the Bush administration defend its warantless wiretapping program. As for Cheney, what’s there to say about his compulsion to fire potshots at Obama? He’s certainly not heeding what Al Gore said after the 2000 election was finally resolved: “It is time for me to go.” I did note that Sean Hannity interviewing Cheney is a bit like Igor grilling Dr. Frankenstein.